Friday, July 15, 2022


sw: 215.2lbs (97.6kg) to gw: 120lbs (54.4kg) ๐Ÿ–ค cw: 140lbs

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#401 tilldeath


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    Posted 11 July 2022 - 01:55 AM

    elthebastard, on 10 Jul 2022 - 04:01 AM, said:

    pip is such an annoying thing to sort out. Luckily I was able to get it more smoothly this time as I struggle to hear on the phone and couldn't have a telephone 'assessment'. They just used my form to decide and got a fair rate. I hope you get it!

    The first time I had to go to court at 17 and it was shit

    its so bloody difficult for 0 reason! to do a form to then have to have an assessment is so odd to me. luckily my careco does these a lot so knows exactly what to say and what they wanna hear (obviously still telling the truth tho) and so has never had an unsuccessful application, its just the wait is so annoying! going to court is so intense wow. ik someone who had a brain tumour and got their pip denied… its horrifying

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    SW: 215.2lbs (97.6kg) - 21/1/22

    GW 1: 150lbs (68kg) - 25/6/22

    GW 2: 120lbs (54.4kg)

    UGW: 110lbs (49.8kg)


    210205200195190, 185180175170165160155150145140, 135, 130, 125, 120, 115, 110



    #402 tilldeath


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      Posted 11 July 2022 - 01:56 AM

      HangryMoons, on 10 Jul 2022 - 07:51 AM, said:

      I miss your outfit of the day! I hope you bring that back 

      ahh thank you so much!!! i completely forgot i stopped doing that, i will defo start again!

      Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

      SW: 215.2lbs (97.6kg) - 21/1/22

      GW 1: 150lbs (68kg) - 25/6/22

      GW 2: 120lbs (54.4kg)

      UGW: 110lbs (49.8kg)


      210205200195190, 185180175170165160155150145140, 135, 130, 125, 120, 115, 110



      #403 tilldeath


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        Posted 11 July 2022 - 02:12 AM

        11th July 2022:

        weigh in: 142.5lbs today n was 142.3lbs yday so plateau still in full force lol

        intake: 1302 can confirm i did not enjoy a maintenance day

        i quickly weighed after my bm and it is still an hour before my official weigh in but its safe to say im still plateauing. yday i didnt update bc i was absolutely pooped hahaha. walked 10k steps in 28 degree heat ahhh but the convention was really great! i had pizza toasts with carrots and a packet of pombears (322) for brunch before i went as it was later than anticipated and then we didnt eat again until about 5pm and a really nice cafe/bar but the menu was like super complicated and like really extravagant like i cant really explain it but we are all people that like trying new foods etc but even we couldnt hack the menu :’) so i just got skin on fries and a half pint of pineapple juice (wanted a full pint but for some reason they didnt do that). i have 0 clue how many cals that would come to, in my head surely no more than 600?? i feel like the fries mustve been 300-400?? it wasnt a ginormous portion but it wasnt small either. so maybe 500. then 150ish?? for the juice? either was i think i had 800-900 cals yday. no more than 1000 i dont think.

        today im gonna have the left over chow mein as it went out of date two days ago lol so i hope its fine, with broccoli and some sweetcorn which will come to 300ish calories. im trying to hit 1400 today to help my metabolism as that is my bmr so i hope thatll work?? so i’ll have 1100 cals left so im gonna go to the sushi kiosk in asda and go ham. i was gonna get takeout but the place i was gonna go to doesnt list calories and the katsu curry could genuinely be anything from 500-1200 calories and it was just stressing me out way too much that i have absolutely no clue and the difference could be double as there are a million and one diff calorie counts online. ik the one at the panku kiosk is 500ish. also a smaller portion so i can actually eat other things. i was stressing bc its actually hard to get an amount of sushi that isnt absolutely huge that hits 1000cals :’) so im gonna maybe actually do that for lunch earlier than usual and then nibble on bits throughout the day, then have the chow mein for dinner as then i wont be eating so much in one go that it feels like a binge. i couldnt figure what else to get bc i dont want mcdonalds or anything. sushi is healthy, but i wanted a takeout for my higher cal day bc when do i get the opportunity to do that haha. but so many places dont have calories listed as they are independent take outs so its been stressing me tf out. but its just so hard to know what the cals are bc shit can easily rack up with takeout.

        good god i am gonna consume so much sodium today and carbs. im actually stressed as hell. i feel like this increase isnt gonna do anything to help bc im just gonna retain water to fuck. im not gonna have the noodles for dinner because its just wayyyyy too many carbs. i ate the katsu curry and a bit of the sushi pack i got (katsu curry = 566, sushi pack is 6 pieces of prawn and salmon nigiri, 4 pieces of cucumber maki and 5 pieces of salmon and avocado futomaki = 593), and so for dinner im gonna do the rest of the sushi pack, im also having 20ml of soy sauce with it which is actually loads so i will probs end up having less of it (12 cals) and im gonna have some broccoli with it too (about 100g will be 45 cals). that will bring me to 1216 calories. im gonna probs have some grapes also bc i need more fruit n veg in todays intake lol n so like 125g of grapes (basing it off the portion i had last time) is 86 calories so that will bring me to 1302 calories. i might potentially have a fibre one bar to increase it to just under 1400 and also get some more fibre in me lol. god i feel awful about today. i really really hope it works. i think im gonna fast tomorrow, or maybe just do omad and eat the rest of the chow mein (surely itll be fine 3 days out of date? the chicken is cooked n its been in the fridge ???) and broccoli n that’ll be like 300 calories for tomorrow. i just feel so grim and full of regret and im not having a good time. but hopefully the increase and then the decrease will help with shaking my metabolism up a bit

        Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

        SW: 215.2lbs (97.6kg) - 21/1/22

        GW 1: 150lbs (68kg) - 25/6/22

        GW 2: 120lbs (54.4kg)

        UGW: 110lbs (49.8kg)


        210205200195190, 185180175170165160155150145140, 135, 130, 125, 120, 115, 110



        #404 tilldeath


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          Posted 12 July 2022 - 06:18 AM

          12th July 2022:

          weigh in: like 143.2lbs or something i dont actually remember i just saw the scale had gone up and immediately got off bc ive had enough :’)

          intake: 0

          so obviously my weight has gone up from my maintenance day, i know its just food weight n due to the unholy amount of sodium and carbs (i think it was about 2800mg ish of sodium and 200g of carbs๐Ÿซ ). i defo planned my maintenance day poorly i shouldve done my normal intake and then had some nuts or some shit to make it 1300 but alas i didnt. i am fasting today, so far so good. i had an apt with my new psych who is pretty boring tbh lol he said the adhd shit isnt really anything to do with the team im with so it doesnt really matter to him (he didnt say exactly that but basically expressed that the nhs team im with wont take over my care for adhd so it just runs parallel n isnt really anything to do worh them) which kinda feels odd bc like its my mental wellbeing still but idk lol. still feeling pretty zombie-ish and idk if its post covid fatigue which is probably is or bc im not eating enough or the heat but probably a mix of everything. i went charity shopping after my apt though bc i wanted to get some steps in as i know i have no plans today. only walked a mile (2.5k steps) but its better than nothing! even after my maintenance day i felt crappy but i think its bc it was hot and id also eaten so many carbs which would obvs make me super tired. i also dont really know if my increased dose of meds is doing a whole lot bc i do just feel like crap lmao but cant tell if that is the meds or any of the other factors! apparently the covid fatigue tends to go in 2-3 weeks so i guess we will see then :’) i also think this plateau is messing with my mood a bit bc im just feeling a bit hopeless. if this increase and then fast doesnt help im suing

          got a text from my careco that he got a call from the pip people for some extra info and it appears i wont have to have a phone assessment! v excited about that

          my hair is also officially falling out. ive tried to play it off as just malting a lot bc i dont brush my hair often so i dont shed like someone who brushes their hair every day would but this is what came out in my hands when i was washing my hair. it didnt come out all in one go but every time i ran my hands through my hair it came out like it wouldnt stop i could sit for ages and run my fingers through my hair and strands would continue to come out :/ sorry the pic is so grim haha. idk wtf to do lol. i put it on my close friends story on insta and my pal said they and their sister lost hair from covid and granted covid may of made it worse but im like yeah… rona thats whats done it… it was 100% falling out/at least malting significantly more than i ever did before like ive had to pull so much more hair out the drain, its in the sink, all over the house lol before covid i just didnt wanna admit that it is falling out but ik my mates have noticed when i sit sometimes and just run my hands through my hair and its just strand after strand coming out (i do it to see how much is coming out and then claim its bc i havent brushed my hair lol). i need to start taking vitamins and covid probs has made it worse so hopefully itll improve


          Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

          SW: 215.2lbs (97.6kg) - 21/1/22

          GW 1: 150lbs (68kg) - 25/6/22

          GW 2: 120lbs (54.4kg)

          UGW: 110lbs (49.8kg)


          210205200195190, 185180175170165160155150145140, 135, 130, 125, 120, 115, 110



          #405 tilldeath


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            Posted 13 July 2022 - 03:06 AM

            13th July 2022:

            weigh in: 142lbs OKAY WE HAVE MOVEMENT i am also super constipated its quite uncomfortable actually bc i feel like i really need to go but nothing will come out lol. weighed myself at 12:30 after id come back from my hair apt and it was 141.8lbs so im rlly hoping that it continues to fall over the next couple days n that the plateau is over AH

            intake: 773

            fasting yday was stupidly easy thank u meds lol. i feel awful this morning i think i might have long covid. im shakey, body aches, fatigued/lethargic af, heart feeling like its pounding, dizziness when i stand up but thats probably from not eating lol. i have a hairdresser appointment that i need to leave for in 20 mins so i hope the walk might help with the constipation lol. i hate haircuts so much bc i always come back feeling like im covered in hair and it sets my sensory issues off big time lol. it isnt too far of a walk which is good bc i dont feel good physically at all. i really wanna curl up in bed today but at least i can get some steps in today with going to the hairdressers. i really dont feel like eating but ik i probably should but i’ll see how i feel later on.

            hair apt actually went great i FEEL NO HAIR ON ME they put like a thing of tissue around my neck and then the gown n i feel hairless hahahahahah

            lunch opened the floor gates for hunger :’) i had the rest of the chow mein and some sweetcorn and broccoli (306) and then at 4:30ish i was feeling snacky so had some grapes (86) and then dinner was a tesco low calorie chicken tikka masala (381) to which i need to learn to stop getting the low calorie ready meals bc they taste like shit or are stupidly small portions it also wasnt very filling at all and i really want more food but i’ll be going to sleep in a couple hours so i will cope. i really hope the scale has gone down tomorrow. im hoping for a whoosh but i cant see that happening :/

            Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

            SW: 215.2lbs (97.6kg) - 21/1/22

            GW 1: 150lbs (68kg) - 25/6/22

            GW 2: 120lbs (54.4kg)

            UGW: 110lbs (49.8kg)


            210205200195190, 185180175170165160155150145140, 135, 130, 125, 120, 115, 110



            #406 tilldeath


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              Posted Yesterday, 01:38 AM

              14th July 2022:

              weigh in: 140.7lbs!! PLATEAU DEFEATED


              i look quite bloated today so im a bit anxious about what the scale is gonna say. i have an appointment with my careco at 1 today but having another chill day. i do need to post some parcels so gonna drive to my careco, drive home and then walk to the drop off lockers (first time using inpost drop off and i feel like the parcels are gonna get stolen) to get more steps in.

              i got back at about 3pm from being out and bought a pizza when i dropped the parcels off bc the cals looked low until i saw the weight of what it said half of the pizza was was less than half of the actual pizza weight stated on the box. i had an apple (56) when i got back to tide me over until dinner so i could fit the pizza cals in.

              the pizza said 315 cals per half of it, and stated half the pizza was 160g, but the box said it weighed 340g so half would be 170g so idk if it is a typo or if it means the entire pizza including packaging or what bc the nutritional info specifically states it has 2 servings n 315 is for half of it. i am just gonna weigh the entire pizza n calculate the calories that way :’) it was 344g so 677 cals. absolutely not worth the calories holy crap. im really annoyed at myself for buying it. it was crazy thin like not even thin crust pizza vibes but like cheap use as little dough as possible to make it cost as little as possible to make type thin. id of been significantly fuller if id of gone with my original plan of having fruit and crisps as a snack after getting home n then have a bean burger etc for dinner. it wouldve also been way less carbs and a lower intake also. im still under 800 but it just wasnt worth the calories. i had bbq sauce with the pizza also (24).

              i also weighed myself when i got home and it was 140lbs on the dot which doesnt count as it was so late but it is nice to see lol. im 2.7lbs away from bmi 22s, and 10lbs away from a bmi of 21.7 which is half way between the healthy bmi range.

              Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

              SW: 215.2lbs (97.6kg) - 21/1/22

              GW 1: 150lbs (68kg) - 25/6/22

              GW 2: 120lbs (54.4kg)

              UGW: 110lbs (49.8kg)


              210205200195190, 185180175170165160155150145140, 135, 130, 125, 120, 115, 110



              #407 earthmoon


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                Posted Yesterday, 09:37 PM

                AYYYY you booted the plateau!! I'm just catching up and omg you're doing so so well. ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’• feels like that maintenance day was exactly what your body needed, because now you're just about to go into the 130s!!!! so happy for you!!

                unrelated but I also only just started using inpost lockers and always worry someone's gonna rob my parcel lmao

                did your hairdresser have any advice about your hair coming out? vitamins sound like a good place to start either way.


                SW: 176 // 80 · GW1: 165 // 75 · GW2: 154 // 70 · GW3: 143 // 65 · GW4: 132 // 60 · GW5: 121 // 55 · UGW: 110 // 50


                ๐Ÿƒ accountability ๐Ÿƒ 





                #408 tilldeath


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                  Posted Today, 07:59 AM

                  earthmoon, on 14 Jul 2022 - 9:37 PM, said:

                  AYYYY you booted the plateau!! I'm just catching up and omg you're doing so so well.  feels like that maintenance day was exactly what your body needed, because now you're just about to go into the 130s!!!! so happy for you!!

                  unrelated but I also only just started using inpost lockers and always worry someone's gonna rob my parcel lmao

                  did your hairdresser have any advice about your hair coming out? vitamins sound like a good place to start either way.

                  thank you so much!! it feels like the 130s are mocking me hahahah they are so close yet feel so far

                  i googled like inpost and theft and there were articles that came up about people having shit stolen and i was like AH GREAT it feels so weird that you just leave them in the locker until someone picks them up?? i posted them yday afternoon and it says they get picked up the next working day if posted after midday but i still dont think theyve been picked up!

                  so cleverly enough i didnt ask๐Ÿฅฒ my friend whos hair started falling out directly bc of covid said that multivitamins really sorted it out, i do actually have some i should start taking!!

                  i hope your holiday is going well - the hand poked tattoo sounds lovely! theyre so much more pleasant than machine tattoos :’)))

                  Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

                  SW: 215.2lbs (97.6kg) - 21/1/22

                  GW 1: 150lbs (68kg) - 25/6/22

                  GW 2: 120lbs (54.4kg)

                  UGW: 110lbs (49.8kg)


                  210205200195190, 185180175170165160155150145140, 135, 130, 125, 120, 115, 110



                  #409 tilldeath


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                    Posted Today, 08:20 AM

                    15th july 2022:

                    weigh in: 140.5lbs i am so close to being out the 140s fjfndnsnsks


                    had a follow up apt with my adhd consultant, im having one more appointment next month and then we are gonna try and get shared care with the gp so i wont have to pay for appointments or private medication costs bc it is EXTORTIONATE. today has been chill, i am super bored lol. i really want more things to do but idk what! i am going to start making chainmaille jewellery, i have ordered a bunch of jump rings (they arent the correct sizes as the only - when i say only i mean only i have spent maybe 8ish hours researching lmao - uk suppliers were out of stock of the correct sizes and it is gonna be a good few days potentially couple weeks until theyre in stock again and i really wanted to make a start so i thought id get some that were slightly off size wise just to have a practice as they were really cheap) and other equipment for it n im really excited to have a hobby lol as i love making and crafting. and i can do it chilling in bed or take it to the park etc and make some thingssss. i wish there was more to do outside lol my pals are all in another city so its never as easy as just meeting up spontaneously as its about an hour at the absolute minimum which would be the fastest i could see them but its more like 2-3 to get ready n get to the train station n then the train is anything from 40mins-1hr15. i do have some pals in my town but not many :/ it also gets expensive as its like £8 - £12 for a return depending on when i return then an £8 taxi or 30 minute walk n then a bus to get to theirs from the train station bc its like an hour walk something up stupidly steep hills like it is unpleasant idk anyone that would ever walk it n so it all adds up just to go to see my mates for the day/eve n then relying on trains etc AH i have gone on a ramble but yeah i wish i had more friends to go chill with. i guess i do have more friends than i first think im just terrible at arranging things bc im worried no one actually wants to be around me which i know rationally isnt true but you know how it can be!

                    i downloaded a dating app, i cant use tinder bc my number is blocked from when i let my friend use it for her account when we were 17 :’) so im on another n so far so boring i really really struggle to connect with people and do the whole getting to know people small talk. i think thats why i love mpa bc our getting to know each other is “ive maintained today despite wildly under nourishing myself but thats probably due to the constipating from restricting my intake and so i havent had a shit today” theres no small talk just immediately the most invasive shit you could never tell anyone you knew irl but i’ll see how it goes. the last person i was talking to truly opened a message broke his phone (this i know is true) and then even after getting a new one never spoke to me ever again so maybe that was divine intervention for him as an excuse to not have to talk to me :’)

                    lunch was pizza toast with pop chips and carrots (353) and dinner was a bean burger with sweet potato fries, broccoli and bbq sauce (389). ive been wanting to eat hella amounts of crisps today, i want a platter of god knows how many crisps๐Ÿฅฒ i also really want some baked beans so im gonna try and find a meal i can incorporate them into bc half a tin isnt actually that bad calories wise. i could do beans on toast with some veggies on the side or something

                    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

                    SW: 215.2lbs (97.6kg) - 21/1/22

                    GW 1: 150lbs (68kg) - 25/6/22

                    GW 2: 120lbs (54.4kg)

                    UGW: 110lbs (49.8kg)


                    210205200195190, 185180175170165160155150145140, 135, 130, 125, 120, 115, 110



                    #410 earthmoon


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                      Posted Today, 02:49 PM

                      ahhh that's excellent that you're getting moved to NHS for your ADHD medication soon, it's ridiculous how much it costs private. and i should've known people had their stuff stolen!! it's v convenient but if I was the thieving type it'd be a target

                      what kind of jewellery are you going to make? chainmail is so cool!!


                      SW: 176 // 80 · GW1: 165 // 75 · GW2: 154 // 70 · GW3: 143 // 65 · GW4: 132 // 60 · GW5: 121 // 55 · UGW: 110 // 50


                      ๐Ÿƒ accountability ๐Ÿƒ 





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