Wednesday, July 27, 2022



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    Posted 25 July 2022 - 09:15 AM

    july 25th, 2022

    day 15




    before: 132.0

    after: 132.0

    change: 0


    meal plan



    1 oz spanish cheese (130)

    quince paste (34)



    goya chanpuru (287)



    imitation crab packet (227)


    total: 678


    exercise plan


    one hour on the track


    estimated tdee: 1500




    tdee day checks out! i was shocked to see no gain on the scale.


    tomorrow i have another speech...i still. haven't. picked. a topic. i'm not leaving the campus today until my outline is finished. i legit had a fucking dream about the speech. in my dream, i wasn't prepared at all for my speech and when they called on me i was ready to just cop that i didn't do it when suddenly on the podium was this eloquent speech outline that had my name on it. i remembered that i wrote it a year ago before i even took the class and suddenly and was like phew i'm saved, then i gave the speech and my grade was 14 out of 351. i went to the teacher and was like wtf at my failing grade, what did i do wrong? and he said nothing was wrong it was great, no one else in the class got more than a 10 out of 351.


    for some reason i remember the very specific numbers even now.


    ok i need to do schoolwork, as per the usual. i had so many thoughts about this whole hot girl journey yesterday but i'll have to put them into words later.






    my current accountability


    SW 176

    CW 136

    GW 100


    40 pounds lost but 36 more to lose


    all the times i failed so far




    early 2022

    #29 chaserainbows

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      Posted Yesterday, 09:13 PM

      july 26th, 2022

      day 16




      did not weigh. i brought up an amazing speech straight out my ass or even heaven somehow someway. it was about how automatic response system can lead to irrational behavior. i used the joshua bell subway experiment, the ellen langer copy machine experiment, and thinking fast and slow to pull my point together.


      then i pretty much panicked in the final two hours and kept making last minute adjustments to my speech. i choked a little in the middle because of the last minute adjustments. DON'T READ, JUST SPEAK. i think i did okay though because people loved my topic.


      today i ate some junk food from the school because i forgot my food AGAIN.


      tomorrow let's see how much weight i gained or didn't tomorrow and carry on from there. not making judgments until i see the scale.






      my current accountability


      SW 176

      CW 136

      GW 100


      40 pounds lost but 36 more to lose


      all the times i failed so far




      early 2022

      #30 chaserainbows

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        Posted Today, 08:48 AM

        july 27th, 2022

        day 17




        before: 132.0

        after: 131.4

        change: -0.6




        getting closer to the 120's!


        despite eating junk food i could tell that i was probably going to lose because the hunger pangs last night were extremely intense. honestly i can't remember the last time it was that bad. i just watched my variety bangumi and tried to let it subside but sometimes it's so hard because japanese tv shows have a lot of food so i saw like a basic ass dorayaki on the screen and had a meltdown due to wanting to eat so bad.


        for some reason it felt good psychologically to not indulge the need to eat even though it was physically hurting a lot. i've already surpassed my losertown prediction for july 31st but let's see because we all know my body loves to rescue the fat.


        i was thinking a few days ago about how so much of me other than weight needs to be completely overhauled in order for my glow up to be complete, but at the same time i feel like i just need to tackle the weight and then everything else can be achieved one by one. like, for example, i have no real friends to speak of. i have my boyfriend in japan and some online friends but i don't know anyone in real life at all. i was kind of friendly with one of the japanese exchange students at my school but we had absolutely nothing in common besides speaking japanese. when she left to japan i didn't keep in touch lol. and anyone else in this current locale is out of the question since i have no background with farming or being on drugs.


        also, my face really bothers me. i'm starting to see signs of age on my face. some people still tell me i look so young but i saw pictures of myself from 10 years ago and the change is extremely upsetting. i can't really reconcile this idea that i'm in my 30's. i feel like every other young person around me on the inside. it's really difficult to realize i'm a decade older than all of these people around me and i'm starting to look older too. this can't be amended naturally so i need to start looking into medical intervention.


        speaking of that, i'm concerned about loose or sagging skin. i'm just extremely afraid i'm going to have visible loose skin and idk what to do. i'm not sure if my weight loss will be extreme enough to get the loose skin but idk i want to lose like 74 pounds overall and my dad recently lost 50 pounds and he has a lot of saggy skin. i keep trying to increase collagen or something but idk. i need youth!!! i need youth!! agh


        this is all of what i want


        cultured personality

        friend group of growth-oriented people

        looks 25

        effortlessly fashionable wardrobe

        steady career trajectory

        enrolled at my 4 year school of choice


        this will all go down in new york once i meet my goal weight. it's like painting onto a canvas when the canvas isn't complete.






        my current accountability


        SW 176

        CW 136

        GW 100


        40 pounds lost but 36 more to lose


        all the times i failed so far




        early 2022


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        Posted 25 July 2022 - 08:49 AM

        ✰ sunday, july 24th, 2022 


        woke up feeling like utter garbage at way too early AM, had to get myself together to catch my train. which ended up being 10 minutes late. i felt like i had to puke, actually, but nothing came out i was just having horrible acid stomach pain etc. resting heart rate up of course. i shoved a couple caffeinated beverages in my bag and put on the jbrekkie shirt i got last night--long sleeve--because it's always freezing on the train.


        ✿ breakfast 

        diet dr. pepper (5)


        i was blessedly alone for about an hour, then someone took the seat next to me. my train stopped moving. it remained stationary for TWO HOURS. they connected a new engine, but while the engine was off the power went out and honestly it was so nice because the AC turned off so i wasn't fucking FREEZING. i was planning to just not eat anything more especially because my weight was so disappointing and i felt so disgustingly bloated. i was so fucking tired i just tried to sleep for a bit and actually my heart rate dropped lower than in my sleep during the night.


        i tried to do my makeup on the train which was kind of a fail. finally the train actually got to where i wanted to go and i had to pee so bad and i wanted desperately to eat nothing and just have my weight go down and i was super regretting bringing the scale. but i got to kiss my fiancรฉe and i missed them so much and it wasn't so bad. when we got to their house i got all worried about food and anxious and just told them i brought a scale and that i was going to be weird about food as usual. i mean, they know. i just shouldn't have brought a scale because they do have one already and it's probably more accurate. that was so stupid of me. i know how much they weigh now, they've lost a significant amount of weight since last summer. i knew kind of immediately that i'll be eating like shit while here, their kitchen and house is rather messy and not a lot of fresh foods and vegan stuff so it's stressful. they're also in the middle of nowhere so we can't really walk to a store. i weighed myself, relieved a bit at the drop, then had some feeble looking grapes their mom brought us. 


        ✿ snack 

        grapes (50)


        felt stupid for eating and could tell i was going to want to eat more, probably b/p, but that it would be difficult and i wouldn't be able to do a thorough job. i sort of gave up on this week, i'm not going to lose weight i just want to stay under 100 and have a nice time with my fiancรฉe. i'll lose weight again when i get back home with more control i guess... so anyway i ordered dinner lol. impulsive. felt kind of mortified by anyone else knowing. i just wanted like comfort food because everything's kind of broken and unreliable and scary at my partner's house and i can feel my orderly clean organization mental illness clawing at me and my throat hurt so much and my weight was already too high and i couldn't help talking about calories and my need to exercise.


        ✿ dinner 

        5 golden triangles (250)

        + a bit of sweet chili dipping sauce (10)

        tofu lad nar (600?)

        watermelon sour patch lol (360)


        unfortunately the dish i got had egg in it, and honestly not enough noodles, way too much sauce. i will stick with the reliables in the future. then i went to puke in their toilet, but as quietly and quickly as i could, with only my empty diet sunkist bottle to use as a cup, to be respectful. i know i didn't get everything out but i didn't want to worry my partner and i didn't want them to realize i was throwing up. my throat hurt like a bitch though and i still felt bloated and fat. i told them i needed to exercise still and they let me just pace in place and we sort of exercised together idk. it was weird a little but it was also nice and i love them and i didn't feel too bad and got to 5k steps so i think at least i should have burned what i ate even without the purging. still felt nervous. my throat hurt. they gave me a grapefruit cough drop. 10 calories maybe? and i played animal crossing and they played pokรฉmon and everything was fine and maybe we'll go to the mall tomorrow. it's all going to be okay, i'm just definitely not going to lose weight while i'm here. 


        today's stats:



        AM: 97.5 lbs.PM: 97.2 lbs./ later: ate, 100.4, purged, 98.8 lbs. maybe

        intake: 1225? (purged some? most?)

        tdee: 1615

        steps: 5.1k


        b/p free: no

        vegan: no :/

        bee, 20, he/they, college student

        emo music enjoyer, vegan caffeine addict, cat lesbian

        gad & mdd, adhd. bpd & c-ptsd. pots. autistic.




        ✰ 5'0 | cw: 96 lbs (bmi 18.7) 

        hw: 118 lbs (bmi 23.0) | lw: 74 lbs (bmi 14.5)


        gw1: > 100 | gw2: 94.4 lbs (underweight)

        gw3: 90 | gw4: 84 | ugw: 80 (bmi 15.6)


        an-r -> an-b/p -> bn -> ednos

        ✰ days binge free: 0 <> days purge free: 0 ✰


        my crowning achievement:


        old (cringe) 2020 accountability


        ✿ new accountability 


        #52 blueopalsong

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        Posted Today, 07:05 AM

        taking a bit of a break from updating consistently this week because i am with my fiancรฉe and trying not to be a head case about everything. eating is not going perfect and the scale i brought (silly idea) is not reliable either so i'm just resigning myself to gaining weight this week, i did go one day without purging which was awful and my digestive system is so not happy with me. i'll type up summaries for monday and yesterday but i will be trying to eat less the rest of my time here (lol. lmao). today we go to the mall and see a movie and tomorrow we are seeing mitski and then friday i go back. at some point we will bake i think. no accurate weight updates until saturday i guess !

        bee, 20, he/they, college student

        emo music enjoyer, vegan caffeine addict, cat lesbian

        gad & mdd, adhd. bpd & c-ptsd. pots. autistic.





        ✿ new accountability 


        #53 blueopalsong

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        Posted Today, 07:25 AM

        ✰ monday, july 25th, 2022 


        my resting heart rate actually went down in my sleep. like i slept pretty well. i missed my partner so much. we however did not go to the mall today because they have a chronic problem of being too sleepy all the time. instead we settled on going pokรฉwalking later and going to local convenience store because i wanted to stock up on snacks (food always questionable at their house). i felt very bloated and for some fucking reason decided to have breakfast, which i have not been doing, i don't like to eat early, i was just stressed. so that was a bad idea. especially because i couldn't actually measure anything, i had to make do with whatever was around, and i didn't end up purging.


        ✿ breakfast 

        oats (300?)

        unsweetened applesauce (10?)

        raspberry preserves (80?)

        dried cranberries (65?)

        grapes (25?)

        cocoa powder (15?)

        instant coffee + cinnamon (5)


        i felt gross, so gross that i had to keep eating through the afternoon. i am just not right in the head. at least i had monster.


        ✿ afternoon 

        nectarine (55)

        monster rehab tea lemonade (25)

        kodiak chocolate chip granola bar (210)

        caramel almond sea salt kind bar (170)

        bohemian barbecue hippeas (260)


        so yeah i felt awful terrible blah blah blah very bloated whatever but i didn't look too bad. went walking to get exercise in and play pokรฉmon go and cried a little bit and got so many fucking bug bites. had a little fight. it started raining. when we were at the convenience store i wanted to steal more but my partner abandoned me and i'd never been there before and it was raining harder so i panicked and got out of there with just 2 new drinks, a protein cookie and airhead bites. the protein cookie was a bad idea because i know it tastes like shit but i just didn't spend more time looking around. so it's just in my bad sitting there now. i was stressed about food and everything and my partner's mom made some tofu vegetable stir fry thing that i would have no idea the calories of. (i think i'm overestimating the calories for it but it doesn't really matter.) i started eating the candy. i finished the bag by the time we went to bed. ugh. 


        ✿ dinner 

        rainbow airhead bites (690)

        tofu stirfry thing (350?)


        and yeah! i didn't purge! was that a victory? i can't tell. like, i could have. and i just didn't. which my body didn't thank me for, so like always i am reminding myself to never do that again. obviously gaining weight from this. so today was just kinda fucked, emotionally and physically, but at least i had some family bonding time or whatever. how do i not let my eating disorder ruin shit for me? does anyone know? thanks.


        today's stats:






        intake: 2260???tdee: 1630+steps: 5.2k


        b/p free: no but no purge

        vegan: uh? yeah?

        bee, 20, he/they, college student

        emo music enjoyer, vegan caffeine addict, cat lesbian

        gad & mdd, adhd. bpd & c-ptsd. pots. autistic.





        ✿ new accountability 


        #54 blueopalsong

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        Posted Today, 07:54 AM

        ✰ tuesday, july 26th, 2022 


        heart rate still down which was pleasing. woke up in extreme abdominal pain and kind of shat my brains out. my digestive system is just so fucked up. what exactly did i do wrong this time? was it just overeating? was it the tofu? the noodles? the entire bag of airheads xtreme rainbow berry bites? probably that.

        wanted to go to the mall today but that also continued to not happen because of such aforementioned problems. my partner is often depressed and does not want to do anything that takes significant effort (or even not significant, it's just not a priority for them) which is annoying. i don't want to feel like i'm the only one who puts in work but this has happened many times. like i hate myself too, y'know, and i still manage to get my shit together! i'm autistic and borderline and have had an eating disorder and c-ptsd for years and it's not a competition so can we both try here? after a lot of crying and them being angry about their weight we decided to go to the mall tomorrow, not take the bus in today.

        sometimes i feel like i'm making progress on this front but it stagnates especially when we're apart. sucks both having bpd lmao


        anyways we made lunch eventually which was just...fries and vegetable dumplings and random raw vegetables. it's always an adventure here.


        ✿ lunch 

        shoestring fries (150?)

        ketchup (35)

        vegetable potstickers (130)

        garlic hummus (100?)

        baby carrots (15) + celery (10) + lettuce (15)


        um and then i was still fucking hungry so i had a lot of granola which was stupid of me plus it had consequences even though there was literally an entire unopened bag of the same granola in the cupboard!


        ✿ afternoon 

        cinnamon granola (500?)


        we made dinner late, stir-fried some vegetables and also made some frozen vegan mac n cheese things. partner's sister got upset that i ate the granola and i wanted to die, it wasn't even that much and there was, as i said, another bag of it but it made me feel like shit and it made my partner get mad so i ended up purging later (though not thoroughly). we watched a bit of a show to distract from everything. cooking together is soothing and feels domestic.


        ✿ dinner 

        pepper broccoli mushroom stirfry (75?)

        amy's vegan broccoli & cheeze bake (450)

        amy's vegan rice mac & cheeze (380)


        bleh. blegh! bleughh and then i still needed to get exercise (step compulsion is just 5k these days but it's not effortless) and also pokรฉmon so we walked outside in the dark to the library and back and i felt a lot better and it was nice outside and i'm in love so everything is okay. i don't want to have to purge while i'm here it's disgusting and takes too much time and i need to be discreet. so tomorrow i am praying for my brain to let me not eat for a while and for me to not be too big for clothes i want to try on. fingers crossed. today's food estimates may have been off but i feel like i was probably around maintenance with what i purged and little exercise. i also started my period which explained somewhat all the crying and being hungry. tomorrow will be better i hope.


        today's stats:





        intake: 1860? (purged some)

        tdee: 1520?steps: 5.5k


        b/p free: no

        vegan: yes?

        bee, 20, he/they, college student

        emo music enjoyer, vegan caffeine addict, cat lesbian

        gad & mdd, adhd. bpd & c-ptsd. pots. autistic.





        ✿ new accountability 


        #55 blueopalsong

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        Posted Today, 08:05 AM

        okay. all caught up now. i feel so fucking big right now because i for sure have been gaining and i'm also now on my period which sucks and makes me feel so dysphoric. please let me not have gained back over 100 i'll kms. i also am a bit nervous because i haven't had a real job in a bit but i am spending money on my partner (their family is relatively poor) and it's uhhhh expensive to keep this up, i'm going to pay for them to get their ears pierced today and probably for both of us to see a movie as well as take the bus home. i better be able to steal. i don't know how much money i have in my bank account atm lol

        bee, 20, he/they, college student

        emo music enjoyer, vegan caffeine addict, cat lesbian

        gad & mdd, adhd. bpd & c-ptsd. pots. autistic.





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          Posted 25 July 2022 - 04:04 PM

          Choco_Bitch_612, on 22 Jul 2022 - 2:06 PM, said:

          have u tried gradually decreasing?

          I really should. I just need to find the right balance of exercise and food. Thank you. Hope you're doing well <3

          earthmoon, on 22 Jul 2022 - 2:58 PM, said:

          you might be extra hungry bc you're working out so much, it'll even out soon but in the meantime take care of your mental health and don't blame yourself for wanting more food


          I was upset at myself because I used to restrict and workout for very long periods during my lw, not sure why I'm finding it so difficult this time. Thank you. I'm trying my best lol. Hope things are well with you <3

          skylight's metamorphosis
          documenting my long journey to a complete change in shape.



          height: 5'3 
          sw: 245lbs, cw: 225lbs, gw: 98lbs (long way to go) 

          weight loss log
          245  240  235  230 225 220  215 210 205 200
          195 190 185 180 175 170 165 160

          155 150 145 130 125 120

          115 110 105 100


          weight loss plan

          apart from your daily steps, aim to speed walk or jog for a minimum of 10 miles (16 km) 5 days a week. 
          pilates at least 3 days a week. 
          net calorie limit - do not go over 1200 calories!
          omad at least one day a week ( ideally 2 days, but one day minimum)
          and please, stop binging!! try your best to not binge, ok. 




          #63 skylight-


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            Posted 25 July 2022 - 04:08 PM

            Archive in progress. 

            I thought we were moving to the new forums today, so I asked for my thread/posts to be deleted. But it looks like it's been postponed to mid august. Either way, I don't want my old posts on the read only version of mpa. I'd rather start afresh on the new site. So i've been archiving my posts on my own on a separate journal  so that I can look back on my old posts to see my workouts and diet. That's why my thread is empty. I guess I'll continue to log until we move. I think follows don't carry over, so I'll probably make a new thread on the new site. 

            skylight's metamorphosis
            documenting my long journey to a complete change in shape.



            height: 5'3 
            sw: 245lbs, cw: 225lbs, gw: 98lbs (long way to go) 

            weight loss log
            245  240  235  230 225 220  215 210 205 200
            195 190 185 180 175 170 165 160

            155 150 145 130 125 120

            115 110 105 100


            weight loss plan

            apart from your daily steps, aim to speed walk or jog for a minimum of 10 miles (16 km) 5 days a week. 
            pilates at least 3 days a week. 
            net calorie limit - do not go over 1200 calories!
            omad at least one day a week ( ideally 2 days, but one day minimum)
            and please, stop binging!! try your best to not binge, ok. 




            #64 skylight-


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              Posted 25 July 2022 - 04:16 PM

              3 Day Juice Cleanse
              July 26 - July 28 


              Going to try to complete a juice cleanse. I haven't done one in a long time. 


              skylight's metamorphosis
              documenting my long journey to a complete change in shape.



              height: 5'3 
              sw: 245lbs, cw: 225lbs, gw: 98lbs (long way to go) 

              weight loss log
              245  240  235  230 225 220  215 210 205 200
              195 190 185 180 175 170 165 160

              155 150 145 130 125 120

              115 110 105 100


              weight loss plan

              apart from your daily steps, aim to speed walk or jog for a minimum of 10 miles (16 km) 5 days a week. 
              pilates at least 3 days a week. 
              net calorie limit - do not go over 1200 calories!
              omad at least one day a week ( ideally 2 days, but one day minimum)
              and please, stop binging!! try your best to not binge, ok. 




              #65 skylight-


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                Posted Yesterday, 02:18 PM

                July 26, 2022
                meal 1: white tea (5) green tea (10)
                essentials: vitamins and supplements (100)
                meal 2: lemon and ginger shot (50) cucumber, celery and lemon juice (80) 
                meal 3: beet, carrot and orange juice (150)
                meal 4: coconut water (90)
                meal 5: cashew milk (275)
                meal 6: red rooibos, lemongrass and rose tea (5)
                total calories: 765
                walking - 10.5km (~ 6.5 miles)

                Successfully completed day 1. I hope I can complete a full week, but I'll see how the 3 days go first. 

                skylight's metamorphosis
                documenting my long journey to a complete change in shape.



                height: 5'3 
                sw: 245lbs, cw: 225lbs, gw: 98lbs (long way to go) 

                weight loss log
                245  240  235  230 225 220  215 210 205 200
                195 190 185 180 175 170 165 160

                155 150 145 130 125 120

                115 110 105 100


                weight loss plan

                apart from your daily steps, aim to speed walk or jog for a minimum of 10 miles (16 km) 5 days a week. 
                pilates at least 3 days a week. 
                net calorie limit - do not go over 1200 calories!
                omad at least one day a week ( ideally 2 days, but one day minimum)
                and please, stop binging!! try your best to not binge, ok. 




                #66 skylight-


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                  Posted Today, 09:47 AM

                  July 27, 2022
                  meal 1: white tea (5) green tea (10)
                  essentials: vitamins and supplements (100)
                  meal 2: lemon and ginger shot (50) apple, orange and lemon (100)
                  meal 3: 
                  meal 4:
                  meal 5: 
                  meal 6: 
                  total calories: 


                  Checked the scale pretty early in the morning and I was at 217.4. Later at 7am, it was 218. And it stayed at 218 for most of the morning. So that's what I'm logging. I really wish I was at 216 or 217. But it's alright. I see a clear path to getting to 210 if I can just stick to the fast for a week. 

                  skylight's metamorphosis
                  documenting my long journey to a complete change in shape.



                  height: 5'3 
                  sw: 245lbs, cw: 225lbs, gw: 98lbs (long way to go) 

                  weight loss log
                  245  240  235  230 225 220  215 210 205 200
                  195 190 185 180 175 170 165 160

                  155 150 145 130 125 120

                  115 110 105 100


                  weight loss plan

                  apart from your daily steps, aim to speed walk or jog for a minimum of 10 miles (16 km) 5 days a week. 
                  pilates at least 3 days a week. 
                  net calorie limit - do not go over 1200 calories!
                  omad at least one day a week ( ideally 2 days, but one day minimum)
                  and please, stop binging!! try your best to not binge, ok. 





                    Advanced Warrior

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                  Posted 21 July 2022 - 10:24 PM

                  Oh, and happy three weeks binge-free to me. I guess I forgot all about that. Now to make it a month without, and eventually, the rest of my time here on this plane of existence. (:

                  ════════════ ⟡ ════════════

                  Distortion (or Dis, for short)

                  They/Them | 21 | USA


                  Stats/Goals/More | Accountability/Rambles


                  6'/180 cm

                  CW: 336.2

                  26 days binge-free


                  MPA-lurking since 2013.

                  Trapped in binge/restrict cycle, with a couple of years of nothing but BED.

                  As of May 2022, back on MPA and restricting once again.



                  350 lbs/159 kg (reached July 1, 2022)

                  300 lbs/136 kg

                  280 lbs/113 kg

                  260 lbs/118 kg

                  240 lbs/109 kg

                  220 lbs/100 kg | Out of obese range

                  200 lbs/91 kg

                  190 lbs/86 kg

                  180 lbs/82 kg | Out of overweight range

                  170 lbs/77 kg

                  160 lbs/73 kg

                  150 lbs/68 kg

                  140 lbs/64 kg

                  130 lbs/59 kg | Considered underweight

                  120 lbs/55 kg


                  ... And lower, if this body can handle it. (:

                  ════════════ ⟡ ════════════


                  #182 distortion

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                  Posted 22 July 2022 - 10:05 PM

                  ════════════ ⟡ ════════════
                  Friday, 22 July, 2022
                  Listening to: this body means nothing to me - Shrimp
                  Day Stats
                  Weight: 333.6
                  Calories: 1062
                  Days since last binge: 25
                  ════════════ ⟡ ════════════
                  God, I don't remember the last time I saw a four-digit calorie logged into my intake. I said it yesterday, I needed to go up to 1000ish since I was feeling especially crummy, but that doesn't mean it wasn't going to be uncomfortable. I was in control of everything I ate. It's a measly 62 over my 'limit', and 100 of that 1062 was a rather decadent edible. I'm uncomfortable but not upset. It wasn't a binge, and it wasn't anything horrendously unhealthy. 
                  Not much else to say for tonight. Again, no studies tonight, and I'm feeling that thing watch me again, but I'm so high that I wouldn't retain anything. 
                  Onto a late shower, then bed. 

                  ════════════ ⟡ ════════════

                  Distortion (or Dis, for short)

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                  #183 TPWLMST


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                    Posted 22 July 2022 - 10:19 PM

                    hey i wanted to respond to the other day's post and hadn't found the time before now


                    if you're vomiting after the gym you're definitely going too hard - either in some combination of the weather if you're in a heat wave, due to the deficit you're maintaining, the intensity of the workouts you're consistently doing, or that you're not drinking enough water during your workout. i know what site we're on but please try to be as careful as you can be


                    congrats on three weeks binge free by the way!

                    ring the bell, sound made crystalline
                    ring out for the cause of all notions
                    april's dew becomes autumn's wine - leave everything always unbroken
                    alex(-ander, -ei, -andria, -is, etc)

                    #184 distortion

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                    Posted 23 July 2022 - 03:31 PM

                    336.3 this morning, not a fan of that. I imagine it's just food weight, since I ate a bit more volume-wise than typical. Taking a diuretic, hydrating plenty, and hoping my weight ends up being closer to 330 tomorrow. I think I'll go ahead and order a new binder regardless. I've been needing to for awhile now. 



                    I slept in super late, so I haven't done anything all that productive, minus head to the gym. Will update as per usual later tonight. 

                    ════════════ ⟡ ════════════

                    Distortion (or Dis, for short)

                    They/Them | 21 | USA


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                    #185 distortion

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                    Posted 23 July 2022 - 03:42 PM

                    TPWLMST, on 22 Jul 2022 - 10:19 PM, said:

                    hey i wanted to respond to the other day's post and hadn't found the time before now


                    if you're vomiting after the gym you're definitely going too hard - either in some combination of the weather if you're in a heat wave, due to the deficit you're maintaining, the intensity of the workouts you're consistently doing, or that you're not drinking enough water during your workout. i know what site we're on but please try to be as careful as you can be


                    congrats on three weeks binge free by the way!


                    As usual, I appreciate the guidance, my friend. (: I took it easy at the gym today, and had a bit more energy due to eating so much yesterday. No throwing up since, thank god. 

                    ════════════ ⟡ ════════════

                    Distortion (or Dis, for short)

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                    #186 distortion

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                    Posted 23 July 2022 - 10:48 PM

                    ════════════ ⟡ ════════════
                    Saturday, 23 July, 2022
                    Listening to: Bored - Deftones
                    Day Stats
                    Weight: 336.3
                    Calories: 876
                    Days since last binge: 26
                    ════════════ ⟡ ═══════════
                    I feel like I've eaten far too much these past couple of days. I feel better. I feel more awake, but at the same time, it's just too much. That being said, I'm making some pretty tasty things. Veganism has opened me up to things I wouldn't buy or cook in the past. Most of which end up being relatively low cal, and by extension, safe. Again, I should have done this years ago. 
                    Tomorrow, with my usual Sunday Update, I think that'll be my last post on this MPA/this thread until the new site rolls around come the 27th. I have a lot of mixed feelings about the OG site going to read-only, but I don't know how to really verbalize those thoughts now. High again. 
                    Good night, MPA. <3

                    ════════════ ⟡ ════════════

                    Distortion (or Dis, for short)

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                    #187 earthmoon


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                      Posted 23 July 2022 - 11:54 PM

                      this is such a relief that you're feeling a bit better/less sick! your intake yesterday and the day before(? i'm not sure what time zone you're in presently) were still way under tdee and unless you're counting net calories you're probably finishing the day way under that number... do you think you would be able to slightly increase your intake for a while and see if it improves your condition enough without making you feel too bad? i really understand that that's stressful but you'll have better performance in the gym (which means you'll probably burn more) and you might be able to feel more energetic


                      also congrats on three weeks binge-free! can hear more about your cooking?


                      also also, mpa's not migrating until mid-august now so more rambles 4 us >:3


                      SW: 176 // 80 · GW1: 165 // 75 · GW2: 154 // 70 · GW3: 143 // 65 · GW4: 132 // 60 · GW5: 121 // 55 · UGW: 110 // 50


                      ๐Ÿƒ accountability ๐Ÿƒ 





                      #188 distortion

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                      Posted 24 July 2022 - 11:52 AM

                      earthmoon, on 23 Jul 2022 - 11:54 PM, said:

                      this is such a relief that you're feeling a bit better/less sick! your intake yesterday and the day before(? i'm not sure what time zone you're in presently) were still way under tdee and unless you're counting net calories you're probably finishing the day way under that number... do you think you would be able to slightly increase your intake for a while and see if it improves your condition enough without making you feel too bad? i really understand that that's stressful but you'll have better performance in the gym (which means you'll probably burn more) and you might be able to feel more energetic


                      also congrats on three weeks binge-free! can hear more about your cooking?


                      also also, mpa's not migrating until mid-august now so more rambles 4 us >:3


                      Oh, sweet, thanks for letting me know about the change to the Grand MPA Migration. I must've not seen that update. But yes, more Rambles! In regards to cooking, I've more or less found a few vegan, and by extension, lower calorie, replacements for things I used to eat. Flax wraps over tortillas, different meat alternatives, etc. I didn't know I enjoyed oatmeal until a couple of weeks ago. It's been nice.


                      I've tried doing net cal calculations a few years back, and it just wasn't for me. For one reason or another, it usually ended up triggering a binge? I believe having that extra 'allowance' of calories led me out of control. Just how my brain works, I presume. Tracking net would definitely fare better if I was more active, like you are. I'm always so impressed by your exercises in your accountability! I don't think I could cycle a single km without wanting to highkey die. You're doing amazing! (:

                      ════════════ ⟡ ════════════

                      Distortion (or Dis, for short)

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                      #189 earthmoon


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                        Posted 25 July 2022 - 02:25 AM

                        ahhh yes, that makes SO much sense for net cals to trigger a binge. i'm still not 100% sure it's for me... but thank you!! i love cycling and definitely sounds more impressive than it is haha. from the sounds of your gym sessions you're plenty active!



                        ๐Ÿƒ accountability ๐Ÿƒ 





                        #190 distortion

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                        Posted 25 July 2022 - 12:36 PM

                        ════════════ ⟡ ════════════
                        Sunday, 24 July, 2022
                        Listening to: Melted Rope - Wand 
                        Day Stats
                        Weight: 333.4
                        Calories: 3000
                        Days since last binge: 0
                        ════════════ ⟡ ════════════
                        ════════════ ⟡ ════════════
                        Sunday Check-in/Measurements
                        Weight change from last week: -6.4
                        Total weight lost from HW (380): 46.6
                        Weight until next goal (300): 33.4
                        Waist: 47.5in (-.5 from week previous)
                        Upper arms: 16in (-2.5 from week previous)
                        Thighs: 33.5in (-1 from week previous)
                        Binges this week: 1
                        Fasted this week: 1 day 
                        ════════════ ⟡ ════════════
                        Yesterday's post. I am deeply ashamed of myself, and don't know how to deal with it anymore. I haven't calculated by BMR/TDEE but I think that it's at or around 3000k, because I'm still a fat piece of shit, so at the end of the day, the damage is only temporary. In higher notes, I did have overall losses with my measurements, and I am now able to fit into my goal pants. Here's to hoping I don't continue to binge and ruin my progress thus far! 
                        Since I'm already here and posting late, I'll do a bit of a Monday ramble too. No gym today. I feel like shit. Think I've got a small cold or something of that sort. Covid test came back negative, so I'm not terribly worried there. I hate missing the gym, especially after a binge like that, but it feels like someone's pressing the back of my eyes and also throat, so I will be playing it safe for the time being.
                        Actual Monday post to follow tonight. Until then. 

                        ════════════ ⟡ ════════════

                        Distortion (or Dis, for short)

                        They/Them | 21 | USA


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                        #191 TPWLMST


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                          Posted 25 July 2022 - 01:02 PM

                          it happens, especially with how low you've been restricting. sorry to see that you're sick though


                          also did you see that hnk is finally off of hiatus?

                          ring the bell, sound made crystalline
                          ring out for the cause of all notions
                          april's dew becomes autumn's wine - leave everything always unbroken
                          alex(-ander, -ei, -andria, -is, etc)

                          #192 L0LLIR0T

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                          Posted 25 July 2022 - 09:10 PM

                          I sure hope you get to feeling better. <3 Been dealing with some sort of laryngitis bullshit on and off for a couple weeks as well so it must be some crud going around. 

                          l0llir0t reset


                          days binge free : 35  [since may 25th 2022]

                          #193 distortion

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                          Posted 25 July 2022 - 09:56 PM

                          ════════════ ⟡ ════════════
                          Monday, 25 July, 2022
                          Listening to: Leech Boy - Crywank
                          Day Stats
                          Weight: 338.6
                          Calories: 880
                          Days since last binge: 1
                          ════════════ ⟡ ════════════
                          Hello, post-binge food-weight. 
                          I will say, coming back down from this recent one has been easier than in the past. Back then, when I'd binge, I'd totally lose it all. If I fucked up bad enough one day, why not fuck up for the rest of the week? I had no urge to do so today. The guilt is still weighing on me, and I worry greatly that I've somehow down permanent damage to my progress with yesterday's intake, but I just need to keep moving forward. I can't be worse than I was.
                          I studied today. No drawing, nor reading, but I studied. It felt nice to focus on something. My attention span has been ruined these past few years. Still a work in progress.
                          Skipping the gym for today was probably the best. I've got a bit of chest congestion going on. Going up the stairs winded me, and that hasn't happened since my HW. Tomorrow, if I still feel like shit, I'm skipping the gym again. I'd rather not make a fool of myself and pass out in front of someone because my lungs can't handle both mucus and a jog. 
                          Nothing more to say for now. I'm going to go to bed a bit early. I've got to turn this on and off again. 

                          ════════════ ⟡ ════════════

                          Distortion (or Dis, for short)

                          They/Them | 21 | USA


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                          #194 distortion

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                          Posted 25 July 2022 - 10:05 PM

                          TPWLMST, on 25 Jul 2022 - 1:02 PM, said:

                          it happens, especially with how low you've been restricting. sorry to see that you're sick though


                          also did you see that hnk is finally off of hiatus?


                          Your timing is excellent, I had just read chapter 97 a short while before posting tonight! I'm a bit anxious to see where we're going from here, and what transformation Phos (well, if we can still call them that) is going under next. Ichikawa came in swinging post-hiatus. 


                          L0LLIR0T, on 25 Jul 2022 - 9:10 PM, said:

                          I sure hope you get to feeling better. <3 Been dealing with some sort of laryngitis bullshit on and off for a couple weeks as well so it must be some crud going around. 


                          Thank you Lolli, and same to you too. Hot tea and warm hugs. <3

                          ════════════ ⟡ ════════════

                          Distortion (or Dis, for short)

                          They/Them | 21 | USA


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                          #195 distortion

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                          Posted Yesterday, 05:25 PM

                          ════════════ ⟡ ════════════
                          Tuesday, 26 July, 2022
                          Listening to: This Is My Beloved - Mort Garson
                          Day Stats
                          Weight: 340
                          Calories: 450
                          Days since last binge: 2
                          ════════════ ⟡ ════════════
                          Ugh, back to 340. I can't let another binge like that happen again. It's thrown everything out of whack, and the weight isn't going away as quickly as I'd like. Additionally, still being sick, I've not gone to the gym these past couple of days. Overall, I'm very tired of it. It is temporary, and I know I'll get back into the swing of things once I feel better, but it is fucking irritating in the meantime.
                          Siting at 450 calories as of now, had some tea and lunch earlier. This is a very early post for me, so this count may change, and if it does, then so be it. I'm a bit hungry, but my throat is sore to the point that I don't want to eat again. Even swallowing after drinking water is troublesome. This also means I don't want to talk. When I so, I sound awful (worse than normal, at least), and it aches. I've taken to not speaking much today, which has felt pretty nice. Sometimes, I wish I could shut up forever. Talking is too much a lot of times.
                          I finished half of my current drawing project. My studies are pulled up in the background, and I'll be starting those here soon. I've not been very productive today, but I've done something, and that's so much better than doing nothing. I'll repeat it until I've fully cracked to bits: I can't be worse than I was. (:
                          Not much else left to say as of yet. I can't smoke with my throat like this, but I may bum some edibles off of my roommate. Expect some high Rambles if this ends up being the case.
                          Until later. 

                          ════════════ ⟡ ════════════

                          Distortion (or Dis, for short)

                          They/Them | 21 | USA


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                          #196 distortion

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                          Posted Today, 10:41 AM

                          ════════════ ⟡ ════════════
                          Wednesday, 27 July, 2022
                          Listening to: Harvey - Alex G
                          Day Stats
                          Weight: 341
                          Calories: 0
                          Days since last binge: 3
                          ════════════ ⟡ ════════════
                          Very early entry today. Still sick. No gym. My weight's still going up. I can't believe one binge did this damage. Everything was tracked. There's no way I miscounted. I knew that if I was going down that night, I was going to go down mathematically sound. There's no way I've gained nearly 10 pounds from one night of 3000 calories. It's not food weight, I've been going, and being sure to stay hydrated. That being said, I'm still holding onto the idea that it's just temporary. I was getting close to 300. I met one of my big goals. I just need to 'reset', I think. So, I've decided, no food today. Just water and hot tea. My throat hurts too badly to eat anyway.
                          Yesterday, I worked on my art project, I read, and I studied, and for the 'goal times' I'd set for myself that day. I finished half of the project, and want to finish the latter half today. I started a new coding project, and want to make some decent progress on that today too. Then, read before bed. I need to start doing these things consistently. Allowing myself to neglect these goals on a daily basis will get me nowhere. 
                          Future Rambles likely to come. Until then, dear MPA. 

                          ════════════ ⟡ ════════════

                          Distortion (or Dis, for short)

                          They/Them | 21 | USA


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