Thursday, January 19, 2023

amazing cal lower plan, bmi 25 to 21 in 1 month


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League of Legacy 
24 Posts
 Discussion Starter · #1 ·  (Edited)
*Edit: included after pic of me

I've had amazing results with a diet that's easy to do and offers super quick results. I lost 24lbs/11kg in a month and if I can do it, you can do it too. The best thing: You ease into the diet and build up better restriction skills over the course of the 4 weeks. So you don't feel like you're suffering that much unlike crazy water fast diets.

Diet rules:
15.000 steps a day, Intermittent Fasting 16:8, no snacking and max 3 meals.

Week 1: high restriction 1200 cals
Week 2: high restriction 900 to 1000 cals.
Week 3: medium restriction 600 to 700 cals.
Week 4: low restriction: 4 days 400 cals, 3 days 200 cals.

You don't have to follow a particular food plan like veganism even though I am plant-based, and you can restrict with clean foods or sugary ones. In the first high restriction week I was actually on vacation with my.boyfriend and ate crepes, cakes, ice cream and fries. The key to making even these items work was portion control. Instead of wolfing everything down I was mindful of my calories and after the initial satisfaction I felt like I didn't need to finish the entire meal. Nothing tasted as good as the first three bites. But that's just a bonus tip and not required for you to follow,.just stay in your calorie limit for the day.

Why the diet works: You don't binge because you are allowed to eat everything. That makes you relax around food to the point where you feel like it doesn't control you as much anymore. Secondly, your metabolism doesn't slow down because you alternate between high and low restriction. And since you are practicing to count calories and be more disciplined around food again, the low restriction weeks aren't as much of a challenge as it in the beginning when you actually get to do them.

I hope you try this diet out and enjoy the same amazing results I have been seeing.
If you need more details or have questions, just ask 💕


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